Vumi's Antika

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Vumi 30.09.2013 09:53

Forum preko mobilnih telefona
Mozda ce nekome biti interesantno, nekome ne, ali od sada mozete preuzeti APP za vase mobilne telefone, kako za Iphon tako ia za telefone sa Android sistemom (od verzije 1.5 pa na vise).
Ovaj App mozete preuzeti sa stranice Add Store (Iphone) i Android Market (za Android sisteme).
Ja licno jos nisam isprobao ovo jer posjedujem Nokiu koja nema ni jedan pomenuti sistem :).
OVDJE mozete vidjeti koje mogucnosti ovaj App ima. Na zalost, ovo nije besplatno i cijena je nepuna 2 US Dolara. U svakom slucaju koga bude zanimalo to mu nece biti previse za platiti. Zamolio bih one koji budu preuzeli tj kupili ovaj App da nam napisu da li i kako funkcionise.

Da ne zaboravim, App se zove Forum Runner, cisto da znate o cemu se radi :).

Link za ANDROID App, cijena 1,49 Eura

Link za IPhone App, cijena 1,99 US Dolara

pike.sch 30.09.2013 10:08

Kad bi moglo na metal detektore nesto slicno ubaciti da mozemo direktno sa njiva i suma ubacivati slike pronalazaka.

Vumi 30.09.2013 10:15

Posalji tu svoju ideju u XP, Fisher i ostale, mozda im se i svidi. Posto Deus vec izgleda kao telefon, mozda nece biti tesko u njega ugraditi i android sistem tako da ce se moci i telefonirati i svasta nesto...veijeme ce pokazati svoje :)

Vumi 30.09.2013 10:18

This forum now supports Android and the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad natively with Forum Runner!

What is Forum Runner?

Forum Runner is an Android/iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad App that allows you to browse this forum using a native client. This means faster access for those users since it only downloads the actual forum information rather than all the extraneous images that slow down the mobile connection.

Forum Runner Feature List

  • Browse your favorite forums in an easy-to-use-interface with multiple notification types (private message, subscription, etc)
  • Fully customizable home screen with your favorite forums
  • PUSH NOTIFICATION SUPPORT : Get private message and subscribed thread updates from your favorite forums in the background!
  • Poll updates (private messages/subscriptions) from favorites on home screen - shows you a summary of which forums you have new messages or subscriptions on!
  • Image attachment thumbnail and full size viewing from threads
  • View a thread's image attachments in one convenient screen (much like the native iPhone "Photo" app)
  • Save thread images to your iPhone/iPod touch library
  • Fully search-able forums!
  • View embedded links without leaving the app, including YouTube videos
  • Supports portrait AND landscape mode
  • Full posting options (quote posts, start new thread, etc)
  • Attach unlimited photos from your library (or take a photo from the camera and attach it)
  • Full support for private messages and private message folders
  • Full support for thread subscriptions - track your favorite threads and be updated via push when they have new posts!

Some screen shots of Forum Runner running on various devices:

iPhone: Home Screen with customizable icons and notifications:

Push notification updates while outside the app:

Image attachment browser from a thread:

Fully searchable forums:

Full forum browsing:

How can I get the Forum Runner iPhone Client?

Either search "Forum Runner" in the App Store on your iPhone, or click the link below:

Get Forum Runner from App Store

How can I get the Forum Runner Android Client?

Either search "Forum Runner" in the Google Market on your Android device, or click the link below:

Get Forum Runner from Google Market

Vumi 30.09.2013 10:18

Ko zna neka prevede :)

Darko 06.10.2013 19:20

... za Android ima i za dž ;)

Vumi 06.10.2013 20:32

Mene interesuje da li je neko isprobao....ja nemam android, imam simbian :)

Darko 07.10.2013 21:38

Evo ga... pa skinuo sam ga,... čim ga instaliram i ako radi,... javnem

Darko 09.10.2013 16:32

Prikažite listu dokumenata (Broj: 2)
Radi... i to lepo, ovaj odgovor kucam putem moba... mogu i attachmenti da se kače... jedino ne mogu da se isprave postovi ako omašite slovo ;)

Darko 09.10.2013 16:35

Dodatak sa kompa...
Pri dodavanju attachmenta postoje opcije from Camera i from Gallery
Prva fotka je slikana kamerom
Druga je iz Galerije telefona...
Ova verzija sto sam je ja skinuo za dz. prijavjuje neku gresku pri ubacivanju attachmenta, a eto ocigledno je da ih dodaje... (tako da necemo bas u zube gledati, posto smo je za dz makli)

Vrijeme je po ZEV +2. sada je 19:18 sati.

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